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Longmont Genealogical Society
Genealogy Instructional Aids

We all gain from sharing our knowledge and experiences with others.

Below is a list of resource materials designed to help answer some frequently asked questions.

Find Help On Various Websites:
1890 Census and the Fire
5 Year Census States
State Census With Years
Old Names for Diseases

Beginning Class Documents:
Four Generation Ancestral Chart – Paper Version
Four Generation Ancestral Chart – Computer Version
Five Generation Ancestral Chart – Computer Version
Six Generation Ancestral Chart – Computer Version
Family Group Sheet – Computer Version

Research Checklist – Paper Version
Individual Research Worksheet – Computer Version
Research Log – Computer Version

Excel Individual Research Check List – Download

If you want to use one of the above forms as a computer fillable form, download it to your computer.
Save it to a handy location on your computer, you may then enter data in any blue area and re-save it.
If you want to use it as a paper form to fill by hand, just print it.  Suggest using a different name to re-save after entering data.

What is Research? It is what I'm doing, when I don't know what I'm doing.
~ Author Unknown ~