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Longmont Genealogical Society

Helpful Links for Researchers of the Longmont Area

FamilySearch Affiliate Library
The Longmont Public Library (LPL) is now an affiliate of the Salt Lake City Family History Library. That means that any records or images that are "locked" on the website and say they may only be viewed at a Family Search Center or at an Affiliate Library may be accessed at the LPL. To take advantage of this Affiliate status you may either use the LPL computer laboratory or take your own laptop computer and sign into using the LPL wi-fi network. Using either the LPL computer lab. or your own computer on the LPL wi-fi network, nothing more is needed. Use as you normally would and all those previously locked images will be available for you to view.
Find A Grave
Did you know there are over 23,339  grave listings for Mountain View Cemetery on the site? You can click on the MV Cemetery link above and add your own ancestors information, photos and more at this site.  You can add your own people if they haven't been included yet. The link takes you directly to MV, but from the home page you can search for other cemeteries to find information on your genealogy and family history.
Longmont Daily Times-Call
Colorado State Page Archives
Colorado State Achive Finding Aids Quick Index
Longmont City
Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies
Longmont Public Library
Denver Public Library - Western History & Genealogy
Longmont Museum
Denver Public Library Digital Historic Photographs
The Center For British Studies
Norlin Library at University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Denver Post Newspaper
Colorado GenWeb Project 
Boulder Branch Carnegie Library Oral History Project

The Maria Rogers Oral History Program (MROHP) Collection contains more than 1,300 interviews about all aspects of life in Boulder County, from pioneers to agriculture, mining, businesses, the arts, education, daily life during various decades, cities and mountain towns in the county, government policies and city planning, open space programs, women, immigrant and ethnic populations, rock climbing and mountaineering, politics and political activists, the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, and much more. While the actual collection is archived at the Boulder Public Library's Carnegie Branch Library for Local History (1001 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80302), the audio, summaries, and transcripts of the interviews have been digitized and stored in this searchable digital archive, accessible via the internet. Check out this exciting site and see if any of your ancestors may have been interviewed or mentioned in an interview!