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Need Local Longmont Area Research Assistance ?

If you need help with a simple local Longmont area genealogical research task, an obituary lookup or similar short project please send an Email to:  Contact the President describing your research need. We will evaluate and get back to you if one of our member volunteers may be able to assist. We do request a donation of $15 to our Society for an hour's research time, which will also cover any copy cost and postage required.


If you have a more extensive or complex research need, you may contact one of the Longmont Genealogical Society members listed below. They are willing to do genealogy research for a fee. Their qualifications and email addresses are listed below. If you need help with your genealogy, please contact one of these capable researchers for help. Be sure to discuss and agree on the types of work to be done and the compensation/fees for their efforts before you proceed.

Mark FearerMark Fearer
Mark Fearer is a professional genealogist with Ancestral Discovery, and has pursued family history since 1984. He is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, National Genealogical Society and several local genealogy societies. He has attended the Institute for Genealogy and Historical Research, and Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh, and is a graduate of the ProGen Study Course. Although specializing in Jewish genealogy, he conducts family history research for both Jewish and non-Jewish clients. Mark has taught a number of genealogy courses, and has lectured at numerous venues, including at national genealogy conferences. He also writes a monthly genealogy column.

His website is

Mary HeddlesMary Heddles
Mary has done genealogy research for over 30 years. She has provided people with hundreds of obituaries as well as local photos and school and court records and many archived items such as newspaper articles. She is familiar with local resources such as the cemeteries, public library and the museum archives. She is the founder and a lifetime member of Longmont Genealogical Society.  She has been a staff member at the Longmont Family History Center since 1993.  She was also a member of the Boulder Genealogical Society, was a delegate to the Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies and served as Director of the CCGS First Families Recognition program for 8 years.  Many people have been grateful for Mary's efforts, going the second mile for them. She can do a great job for you.


Gail LewisGail Lewis
Gail has been working on her own family genealogy for over 45 years and in that time, she has found other people who she can help with the experience she has learned along the way.
She found that she loved to teach what she loved to do so she's been teaching genealogy classes for the past ten years in Arizona and now in Longmont, Colorado, near where she lives. By researching her own family for so long and by answering so many questions from her students, she's had to learn how to break through those "brick walls" or find ways around them. There are so many websites that are full of information if you just take the time to search them out. They can be another source when you're out of ideas. She's done research for friends and acquaintances and even people with specific questions on where to look next. She has little formal education in genealogy research but she has taken several classes from the LDS Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) in Mesa, Arizona in past years. However, most of her knowledge comes from her own research. Currently, she is Education Chairman at the Longmont Genealogy Society in Longmont, Colorado.
