Longmont Genealogical Society
Special Interest & Study Groups

Go to DNA Study Group

Meetings will be held via Zoom Only

1st Thursday of the Month

7:00 PM

Till About
8:30 PM

Family Search - Special Interest Group
You are invited to join with LGS members and non-members in a group to study and discuss the FamilySearch website.

The purpose of this Special Interest Group is to share hints, how-to's, and discuss features of the Family Search website both as a research resource and the FamilySearch tree as a repository of your genealogy and as a source of info. FamilySearch.org is the world's largest FREE genealogy website. Unlike the Workshops and Help Sessions sponsored by LGS the purpose of this SIG is not to specifically aid in doing individual genealogy research but to help participants gain a better understanding of this website for doing your personal research. Also, it is not a presentation by an instructor but is intended as a forum for the sharing of knowledge and ideas among the participants as peers.

If you would like to receive an invitation to our meetings
which will include the Zoom info
please subscribe to our guest mailing list.

Guest Invitation Subscription Form. Click here to Unsubscribe from the email list

You need to register only once to receive invitations for all future meetings.

Guests will receive an email a day or two before the session with the Join Zoom Meeting ID Number and Password.

Meetings will be held via Zoom Only

2nd Tuesday of the month.

7:00 PM

Till About
8:30 PM

DNA - Study Group / SIG

The 2023 Northern Colorado DNA Study Group is open to all members of Genealogical Societies of Northern Colorado. (Weld Co. GS, Larimer Co. GS, Broomfield GS, Boulder GS, Longmont GS, Estes Park GS, Anthem Ranch GS, and other societies not named) Who are interested in participating in this regional Study Group concept.

Zoom Meeting


We will attempt to have some activity for about 45 to 60 minutes. This may be a member lead discussion, watching a video of a DNA related presentation, or a tutorial on how to use a DNA tool. We will allow 30 to 45 minutes for general question and answers on DNA research or genetic genealogy topics.

This group is all volunteers, which means we need group members to step up and
volunteer to lead group discussions throughout the year. Topic of your choice.

Contact LGSTechCoord@gmail.com to volunteer to lead a meeting.

If you would like to receive an invitation to our DNA SIG
meetings which will include the Zoom info
please subscribe to our guest mailing list.

Guest Invitation Subscription Form. Click here to Unsubscribe from the email list

You need to register only once to receive invitations for all future meetings.

Guests will receive an email a day or two before the session with the
Zoom Meeting ID Number and Password.

Join us and bring a friend !

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