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 Future Programs for Membership Meeting for Year 2025

  • Our "Hybrid" meetings are held in person at the Longmont First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3rd and Terry Streets, Longmont, Colorado and Via Zoom. Guests are welcome to drop in for in–person meetings.

  • To receive an invitation to the Zoom version of a membership/program meeting or any
    of our special interest groups or help sessions please subscribe to our guest mailing list.
    Click the link below.

  • Those on the mail list will receive an e-mail invitation to the requested LGS meeting(s) a day or two before each meeting.   Only register once to receive invitations for all future meetings.

Guest Invitation Subscription Form. Click here to Unsubscribe from the email list.

Mark the dates on your calendar, and remember to invite your friends!

February 12, 2025

1:00 PM

& Zoom

(Speaker will
present in–person)
Chris Pederson

Chris M. Pederson presents:

"New Mexico Hispanic Research Techniques"

Description: Hispanic research is especially fascinating because there are excellent record collections documenting births, marriage, and deaths, which have been preserved by the Catholic Church for hundreds of years and are now available online. We will use a case study from my wife's Hispanic ancestry to discover where to find the records and how to use them.

BIO: I was first introduced to family research over 30 years ago when I was told that my grandfather had traced our family back to the expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia in 1755. Then in 2015, while watching TV with my wife, a commercial came on for Ancestry DNA. My wife said, "I want to do that!" When the results arrived, I shared them with my 90–year–old father–in–law who responded, "I want to do that, too!" And so began my passion for genetic genealogy. I have since built a large family tree tracing my wife's ancestry through the Spanish Colonial period, from the Conquistadors through New Mexico and then to Southern Colorado. DNA results have led to several startling and unexpected discoveries for me and for my friends and now for my many clients.

March 12, 2025

1:00 PM

& Zoom

(Speaker will
present in–person)
Sylvia Tracy–Doolos

Sylvia Tracy–Doolos presents:

"Irish Research Uncovered: Who, When, and Where to Search"

Description: Irish research can be tricky, but knowing all you can about your ancestors in North America is the most important factor. Success can be achieved with a wee bit of luck and a good amount of research. Learn how to build a body of knowledge that will help you jump the pond!

BIO: Sylvia Tracy–Doolos has been interested in genealogy for forty years and working as a professional genealogist for over ten as the owner of New Leaf Genealogy. She is Past President of the International Society of British Genealogy and Family History, President of the Colorado Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists, and the Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England Family History Society (WISE–FHS). Sylvia is currently involved as a genealogical volunteer with both the Denver Public Library, and the Carbon Valley Library, and is an active member of several other genealogy societies, including LGS. She is a proud graduate of ProGen48 and has a B.A. in History with a minor in English focusing on linguistics so she could study how language changes affected record keeping.