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Foothills Garden of Memory Cemetery
Longmont, CO


The Longmont Genealogical Society Inc. member volunteers in cooperation with owner Carroll-Lewellen Funeral & Cremation Services have copied all the records from their file folders of the Foothills Cemetery.  They also walked and observed the actual memorial markers, twice.

The data is listed alphabetical by surname.  The garden name & lot numbers are given for each entry.  Plus birth, death,   marriage dates,   family connection, and any Military or Organization data that is available.  Maps showing each garden and lot number sequence are included.   The information included is through December 31, 2012.

CD ........ $10.00 + $3.00 postage. (Postage is more for international mailing)

For more information click here to Contact the President

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Please mail payment and order form to:

Longmont Genealogical Society Inc.

P O Box 6081

Longmont, Colorado 80501 - 2077

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