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Longmont Genealogical Society
Programs And Events For the Year 2019

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January 9, 2019

1:00 PM

The DNA Study Group will meet in the Friendship Room after the general membership meeting and refreshments. Glenn York will present a “Back to Basics” presentation. This is an opportunity for people that have tested in the last year or are considering testing to review the basics and how to use their results.

Genetic Genealogy Beyond the Hype: This presentation will review the basics of genetic genealogy and then discuss how autosomal DNA testing can be used to advance family research.This presentation will focus on autosomal DNA testing which is offered by all five major testing companies.We will discuss the basics of the testing, how DNA is inherited, and how to select the best people for target testing. We will also discuss how to analyze your matches and how to contact matches.

February 13, 2019

1:00 PM

Ted Bainbridge presents
"Finding Historical Government Boundaries: New Internet Tools"

To search for government records about ancestors one must know which state, county, and other governmental bodies had jurisdiction over the places where events occurred. A powerful new and free internet site easily provides that information for places and dates of interest to any genealogical researcher. The site also provides information about nongovernmental research resources in the area of interest. This presentation gives instructions and shows screen-image examples of the site’s features and the best ways to exploit all the site’s offerings.

The DNA Study Group will meet in the Friendship Room after the general membership meeting and refreshments.

Glenn York will will examine some of the tools available to help group and cluster your DNA matches. We will discuss the “Leeds Method” and some tools to help you use it. The Leeds method is a process to help identify the line on your family tree for your closest matches. The tools discussed in this presentation will help group or cluster these matches to make analysis easier and more efficient.

March 13, 2019


All Meetings were Cancelled
Because of Weather

April 10, 2019

1:00 PM

Dina Carson presents:
Attics & Archives OR What You're Missing if You're Stuck Like Glue to Ancestry

The DNA Study Group Printed copies - how to upload your DNA and .gedcom family tree to GedMatch - were available for those attending Dr. Greg Liverman's May 4th Advanced DNA workshop.

April 24, 2019

1:30 -
3:30 PM

Collaborative Research and Learning Workshop for Genealogy

Have a question; About how to use - Online resoruces, Personal Genealogy Software A research problem, or, just a How-to Question?

What to Bring;
* Your Question or issue and Any information you already have.
* A laptop, if you use one [Computer are available in the lab]
* User IDs / Passwords, if any, for Internet Resources; Ancestry, Legacy, FamilySearch, etc. that you use.

New Location :

Room A-1444, Administration Building - Front Range Community College

May 8, 2019

1:00 PM

Topics for this "Round Table Discussion" will include:

Try Searching these Genealogy Websites,
Genealogy Basics & Problem Solving
Researching Scotland, and
Restructuring the Longmont Genealogical Society

Your expertise may enlighten other researchers.

The DNA Study Group Glenn York attended the RootsTech Conference in February. Ancestry and MyHeritage introduced several new tools to help analyze your DNA results. We will look at several of these tools and discuss how they can help you advance your genealogy research. The DNA Study Group will meet in the Friendship Room after the general membership meeting and refreshments.

June 12, 2019

1:00 PM

Christine Cochran Presents:
Grandma's Secrets

Grandmother’s Secrets - Join me as we traverse the scant and conflicting data available on her life and the information we can pull from it.

Christine is a member of APG, CAPG - Colorado Genealogical Society Vice-President and Researcher - Denver Public Library – Western History and Genealogy Volunteer Researcher - Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies - Mountain Genealogy Society Delegate - Colorado Council of Genealogical Societies –: Colorado Genealogical Society Delegate Presentations: I provide presentations for local clubs and societies which include - Tales From the Life of a Professional Genealogist - Seven different stories collected during my time as a professional genealogist. - What’s a Professional Genealogist

The DNA Study Group will meet in the Friendship Room after the general membership meeting and refreshments.

Presentation: Back to Basics: Genetic Genealogy tests and testing companies

Glenn will talk about the different types of tests available for genetic genealogy and the different testing companies. We will discuss the differences between Autosomal, Y-DNA, and mtDNA test and when one of these tests may be more appropriate to solve a specific genealogical question. We will also discuss the five major testing companies and some of the pros and cons of each.

July 8, 2019

1:30 - 3:30 PM

Find a Grave
Instructor: Mick Mickelson

How to Use FindaGrave; How to create, add person and gravestones pictures, bios, family links etc. to Find a Grave memorials, how to search on FindaGrave for individuals of interest, and will try to answer any other questions you have about this website.

Location: Family History Center, LDS Church, 17th & Alpine, Longmont

July 10, 2019

12:00 PM Noon

Annual Summer Potluck

Mick Mickelson,
Florence Hill,
and Gail Lewis,
will share their "Family Stories."

July 15-16, 2019

1:00 - 3:00 PM

Family Search
Instructor: Tom Floodeen

Time: 1:00-3:00 each day- please bring a laptop if possible

July 15th- Researching + Questions

July 16th-Making changes to your tree, deleting incorrect information, managing new input + questions.

Location: Family History Center, LDS Church, 17th & Alpine, Longmont

July 27, 2019

10:00 AM - Noon

Longmont Library Sessions

This Library Session is an Outreach Project for our communities and is open for anyone wanting some help with their genealogy research or questions we might be able to answer. Any LGS member who wants to come and join in the discussions or get help with their own research is also welcome.


July 29, 2019

1:30 -
4:00 PM

Collaborative Research and Learning Workshop for Genealogy

Longmont Genealogical Society and SCTC
Front Range Community College, Computer Lab
Room A-1444, Administration Building

A Place to Share and Work with Others on Genealogy

*Have you made a new discovery or have a hint
you’d like to share?
*Do you have a question about; on-lines resources, personal genealogy software, a research problem,
or just a how-to question?

What to Bring:
*Your latest discovery, question and any information you already have.
* A laptop, if you use one [Computers are available in the lab]
* User IDs / Passwords, that you use, for Internet Resources;
Ancestry, Legacy, FamilySearch, etc.

August 14, 2019

1:00 PM

Glenn York Presents: Genealogy Educational Opportunities

This presentation will explore the range of learning opportunities available to advance your genealogical skills and knowledge. Glenn will discuss free and low cost opportunities that require little or no travel. We will also discuss the National Conferences and Genealogical Institutes.

Glenn York is the current president of the Larimer County Genealogical Society, and also the leader of the DNA Study Group. He has been doing genealogy since 1983. His current focus is on Genetic Genealogy.

The DNA Study Group will meet in the Friendship Room after the general membership meeting and refreshments.

Presentation: “Ask us anything about genetic Genealogy”
We will try something different this month. We will encourage everyone to share some of their successes and challenges with genetic genealogy. Have you found cousins that have helped you further your research? Do you have DNA results that don’t seem to fit with what you know about the family? Are you stuck on a DNA match and need some help understanding the next step? Glenn York and other knowledgeable people will answer your questions. Any questions we cannot answer will be researched and addressed further in a future meeting.

August 24, 2019

10:00 AM - Noon

Longmont Library Sessions

This Library Session is an Outreach Project for our communities and is open for anyone wanting some help with their genealogy research or questions we might be able to answer. Any LGS member who wants to come and join in the discussions or get help with their own research is also welcome.


Aug 26, 2019

1:30 -
4:00 PM

Collaborative Research and Learning Workshop for Genealogy

Longmont Genealogical Society and SCTC
Front Range Community College, Computer Lab
Room A-1444, Administration Building

A Place to Share and Work with Others on Genealogy

*Have you made a new discovery or have a hint
you’d like to share?
*Do you have a question about; on-lines resources, personal genealogy software, a research problem,
or just a how-to question?
What to Bring:
*Your latest discovery, question and any information you already have.
* A laptop, if you use one [Computers are available in the lab]
* User IDs / Passwords, that you use, for Internet Resources;
Ancestry, Legacy, FamilySearch, etc.

September 11, 2019

1:00 PM

Del Richhart Presents: Newspaper Research

Del recently moved to Windsor from San Diego. He began researching his family history in 1994. He has served in leadership positions in several San Diego genealogical organization, and has made over 100 presentation to numerous groups in the Southern California area. He published, "Breathing Life into My Family Ancestors" in 2011 and plans to plublish a second book in 2019.

September 28, 2019

10:00 AM - Noon

Longmont Library Sessions

This Library Session is an Outreach Project for our communities and is open for anyone wanting some help with their genealogy research or questions we might be able to answer. Any LGS member who wants to come and join in the discussions or get help with their own research is also welcome.

October 9, 2019

1:00 PM

Leslie Ross Presentation

3:00 PM

Darryl Kelly Presents:
"Why isn’t My Computer Making Genealogy Easier?"

As Genealogists, we depend on computers to help us do research, organize materials, store our found treasures, and share our family stories. Computers are terrific tools but they do require maintenance, maybe new software, or simply be replaced.

We will look for answers to the following questions:
What are my options when Windows 7 is no longer safe to use? Where did my great-grandfather’s photo go? How can I organize all of these genealogy materials I have on my computer desktop? Do I need to start using the Cloud for storage? Which genealogy software is best?

The DNA Study Group will meet in the Friendship Room after the general membership meeting and refreshments.

In this presentation, you will learn about genetic counseling as a profession. Specifically, the speaker will discuss genetic counseling and genetic testing in individuals with cancer or with a family history of cancer. You will learn about the technology used to do genetic testing in a clinical setting and how that technology compares to the technology used for direct-to-consumer genetic testing like 23andMe and You will also learn about the limitations of genetic testing for ancestry or health information through direct-to-consumer genetic testing. Finally, you will better understand when the results of a direct-to-consumer test indicate a need for genetic counseling and confirmation genetic testing.

Leslie Ross is a board-certified genetic counselor, practicing in oncology at UCHealth in Northern Colorado. Leslie got her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Carroll College in Helena, Montana and Masters of Science in Genetic Counseling at the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to UCHealth, Leslie worked for Quest Diagnostics for 10 years, doing primarily cytogenetics laboratory genetic counseling and at Genetic Consultants in Rockville, MD, doing prenatal and oncology genetic counseling. Leslie lives in Fort Collins and has three wonderful children. She spends her free time running and watching children play soccer and baseball.

November 13, 2019

1:00 PM

Julie Miller will present:
"Building Blocks for Organizing Your Genealogy"

Feeling unorganized and overwhelmed? Incorporate these simple methods into your existing organizing system or use them as the foundation for a new system.

Julie Miller holds certified genealogists and certified genealogical lecturer credentials (CG, CGL). She is a genealogy researcher, lecturer, and award-winning writer. Her articles have appeared in the NGSQ, NGS Magazine, and she was the genealogy columnist for the Broomfield Enterprise from 2001–2011. Julie is chair of the NGS conference committee, is a fellow of the National Genealogical Society, has been a volunteer at NARA-Denver for 19 years.

December 11, 2019

12:00 PM Noon

Annual Christmas Potluck - "Take Note Singers"

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